They are called "personal ads" for a reason. You are advertising your attributes to try and attract Mr. or Ms. Right. So you'll want to write your ad in such a way that it stands out from the … [Read more...]
Which Character Traits are Most Important?
Character affects everyone's words and actions, so it is an integral factor in the success of any relationship. Which of the following character traits do you consider to be the MOST important to a … [Read more...]
Internet Dating Scam: Fake Soldiers
I just came across a post on "A Soldier's Perspective" discussing a rather disgusting and disturbing trend that has guys posing as soldiers on Internet dating sites. Here's the quote from CJ's: The … [Read more...]
Mental Secrets to the Perfect Weight
If you are having problems with losing weight (we know sticking to a diet can be difficult), then this message will be the most important message you will ever read. Here's why: A major league … [Read more...]
6 Flirting Tips To Get You Noticed
Kate Maurer shares some flirting tips for women... Ready for your next adventure in single life? You've picked out a fab frock, sprung for a new hairstyle and invested in a bag of breath mints. Why … [Read more...]
Should I Get a Background Check?
OK, so you've read "Trust Your Intuition!", rejected all the phoney-baloney types, but are wondering if or when you should get a background check. The answer is easy! You ALWAYS want to check … [Read more...]
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