Jay took issue with the BeautifulPeople debacle and I can’t blame him.
That is just wrong. . . Fat people need dates too. I did a quick search for fat people dating and sure enough there are sites out there. I did get a chuckle at one Fat site, if you scroll down to the bottom there was an ad to sign up and get paid to lose weight. LMAO !!
You’re absolutely right, there are sites for big beautiful men and women (BBW & BHM)… sites that DON’T post the Weight Watchers and eDiet banners all over the place.
There are 2 listed in my BBW/BHM section.
There’s also Maureen and John’s site for big beautiful people, (I’ve met them, they’re a great couple who actually met online through a dating site and then decided to start their own.
Neither one of them are skinny-minnies and THEY found love online.
You can too… just sign up for a free membership at one or more of the sites listed and put yourself out there!
Be who u are!!!!!
You’re absolutely right, Mimi!
…the same stuff happens on these sites as well. There are hardly any men on these sites in my area in the first place.
I was going to say something similar, just the other way around, hardly any women.
I am a thicker girl (size 14) at only 5’5″ tall (and am an attractive looking woman), so I do not technically fit into the BBW category. Anyway, I have been on many, many online dating sites for the past 2+ years and can tell you that they are all basically a bunch of crap (in my humble opinion).
No matter what we say in our profiles – men only look at our pictures and move on. If we are not small enough, or thin enough, or pretty enough, or blonde enough, etc. etc. they will not respond to our emails.
I cancelled eHarmony about 6 months ago because in 2 years time, I never received one single communication from a man. NOT ONE! So much for the 29 dimensions of compatibility. These men looked at my picture and kept right on going. I contacted plenty of men first and they all “closed match” on me without answering. I’ve been on Match.com for 2 years now and have had only 1 date from that website. I’ve been on so many other sites and have since cancelled them because the pool of bachelors was horrible. So about 1 month ago I decided to join a couple of BBW sites, and to my absolutely surprise, the same stuff happens on these sites as well. There are hardly any men on these sites in my area in the first place.
Men do not read your profile to see what you have to say about yourself. They are only interested in your picture and if you are pretty enough for them. TO date, I have contacted about 12+ men on these BBW sites, and only 1 of them responded back (and he turned out to be sex freak).
I have to say it is extremely depressing to be rejected day after day after day. It makes me want to scream!
Hi Rosalind, Ha Ha, LOL. . . Thanks for the spotlight. I feel like a Rock Star now. Cheers!