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Were you sent to by an affiliate marketing trainer?

That’s because they read my book, the Super Affiliate Handbook: How I Made $436,797 in One Year Selling Other People’s Stuff Online, and are trying to capitalize on your desire to learn affiliate marketing. However, instead of showing you their own affiliate sites, they show you mine.


Because they DON’T have real experience as affiliate marketers and have nothing to show you.

My recommendation to you… get a real trainer with PROVEN success. Someone who practices what they teach, day in and day out and I’ve been doing that since 1998.

In addition to my Super Affiliate Handbook, I regularly speak at industry conferences, write a column for an affiliate marketing magazine, consult with industry professionals to help them improve their affiliate programs and provide a FREE web site to help people just like you learn how to make money online.

Visit to learn more about how to start your own online business.
