They are called "personal ads" for a reason. You are advertising your attributes to try and attract Mr. or Ms. Right. So you'll want to write your ad in such a way that it stands out from the … [Read more...]
Everyone Likes A Good Story
Jacki has been a part of the online dating world for six weeks but has but has only received three emails from prospective dates. None of them worked out before she even met them. “What in the world … [Read more...]
True Story: Her witty profile got my attention
Personally, I never thought I'd be writing a letter like this for two reasons: First, I always found them cheesey, sappy and self-gratifying. Second, I didn't think I'd ever find my perfect mate, … [Read more...]
How to Write a Personal Ad

The most frequent complaints men share with The Sage about internet dating are that women don't respond to their ads or their email. You can avoid both these problems by following a few simple … [Read more...]
Sample Personal Ad
The following is a REAL personal ad which generated several hundred responses in a few short months. The writer is a VERY happy (and busy) individual indeed!! "A classic Sag, born in a pig year, I … [Read more...]
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