Real online dating site reviews since 1998


Greetings from the staff at!

Our webmaster, site designer, writer, proofreader, editor, publisher, graphics and animation artist, site reviewer, ‘feature sites’ judge and jury, marketing specialist, traffic analyst; chief cook, bottle washer and keyboard duster all welcome you to our corner of the World Wide Web!

OK, I confess.

I, Rosalind, am ‘us’… and oh, did I mention ‘site project facilitator?

This project began on New Year’s Eve 1997. After working late, I went home and popped the top of something fizzy and then went to share a toast to 1998 with the online crowd. I’d met lots of nice folks on gardening forums and aviation discussion groups, but had yet to experience the ‘joys’ of online chat.

Was I in for a treat!

Before I could dip my toe into Yahoo’s virtual hot tub, I was whisked away into a private chatroom by a very foul-mouthed man with nepharious intent. I just knew that there had to be a better way to meet singles online.

After finding those resources, I then decided to help other singles do likewise. So, it was in late December 1999 that I started this site.

Since that time, I have also started and run the following blogs:,
