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Archives for August 2009

The Secret Cause Of “Distance” In Relationships

Hey there, I'm about to share a secret with you about men that most women will go their entire love lives never seeing or understanding. Here's why it's critical that you find out about this … [Read more...]

From a Hurricane to a Honeymoon

After the tragedy of Katrina, James (Jay) Diamond, a New Orleans resident, was left with nothing. He moved up to New Jersey to stay with family while he tried to rebuild his life. Shortly thereafter, … [Read more...]

Two Perfect Days of Love

"I received a gift subscription to from a friend in January. After nearly a month, I'd already enjoyed several dates. By the first week of February I was trying to decide between three … [Read more...]

Installing Husband 1.0 Software

Dear Tech Support: Last year I upgraded from Boyfriend 5.0 to Husband 1.0 and noticed a distinct slow down in overall system performance -- particularly in the flower and jewelry applications, … [Read more...]

Why Men Withdraw and What To Do About it

Tons of women do this one thing. And it must leave them feeling awful... I wonder if you do it too? I'm talking about women who hide their true feelings from a man and fear sharing their … [Read more...]

Self-Esteem: the Magic X-Factor

Self-esteem is one of the most important aspects influencing your performance and success in many areas of life. It can help you get a job (and keep on getting promotions!). It can help you make … [Read more...]